GUEST SPEAKERS FILL OUT THE FORM Guest Speaker Profiles Name * First Name Last Name Email * Please provide the best email for point of contact. Phone The phone number of your preferred contact. (###) ### #### Arrival date MM DD YYYY Departure date MM DD YYYY How many seats would you like saved at this event for your party? T-shirt size: Small Medium Large Extra Large 2 XL What are some of your favorite snacks? What is your preferred drink? Water, coffee, juice, Etc Would you like a driver or a car rented for you while in Redding? Driver Car rental Do you like a handheld mic or a headset? Handheld Headset Would you like a Podium or Chair on stage for you? Podium Chair What is your preferred bible translation? This is for any scripture you would like to be put on screens while speaking. Do you prefer your honorarium through a check or wire transfer? Check Wire Transfer Speaker Bio Media Kit Video/Photography material & media assets for promotional usage - Google drive, Dropbox Link or email Thank you for being a speaker at our Young Saints event! will reach out to you about any further information needed for your time. Thank you!