YOUTH LEADER APPLICATIONAPPLY TO JOIN THE DREAM TEAM AND SEE THE STUDENTS OF REDDING TRANSFORMED Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone (###) ### #### Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Birthday * MM DD YYYY Marital Status * Single Married Divorced Widowed Spouse Name First Name Last Name Current Employer * Instagram @ About You Why do you want to apply? * Do you feel called to a specific ministry? * Jr High High School Campus Ministry General Youth Ministry Can you commit to at least 12 months of serving? * Yes No Unsure If unsure, please explain. * Are you an International? * Yes No Are you currently in BSSM or Alumni? (if so, which year) * BSSM1 BSSM2 BSSM3 Alumni N/A Did you take Youth Pastor AMT and/or Track? (Check all that apply) BSSM 1 AMT BSSM 2 Track N/A How long have you been saved? * Brief Description on how you came to know Jesus? * Have you been baptized? * Yes No If yes, where? * Have you been filled with the Holy Spirit? * Yes No If yes, describe your experience. * How long have you attended Bethel Church? * Are you a registered member of Bethel Church? * Yes No Do you tithe regularly? * Yes No Sometimes What trainings and classes have you taken at Bethel Church? * Firestarters Healing Rooms Ministry Team Sozo Ministry Other List any gifts, talents, skills and hobbies you would like to share about yourself. * Do you have a value for mothers and fathers in your life? * Yes No Maybe Please describe. * Where do you see yourself in 5 years? * What is your favorite dessert and drink? * What are your top 2 love languages? * Acts of Service Gifts Physical Touch Words of Affirmation Quality Time Unsure Your History Describe your experience from your former church. * Describe your relationship with your former church leadership. * Describe your reason for leaving your home church and coming to Bethel. * Please describe any limitations or conditions preventing you from performing any type of activities in Young Saints. * Have you been accused or convicted of child abuse in any form? * Yes No If yes, please explain. * What is your history with the law, if any? * Do you struggle with or have used in the past 5 years? * Check all that apply Abuse Alcohol LGBTQ+ Use of Pronouns Illegal Drugs Marijuana Sexual Activity Porn Tobacco Vaping Gender Identity Self Harm None If you have struggled with any of the above, please describe your journey and timeline. * Do you currently have any communicable diseases (including HIV or AIDs)? * Why do you feel called to Youth? (required) * Why would we be a genius to have you on our team? * References Pastoral Reference * First Name Last Name Email * Phone (###) ### #### Personal Reference * First Name Last Name Email * Phone (###) ### #### Professional Reference * First Name Last Name Email * Phone (###) ### #### One Last Step! Send the link below to your 3 references!Personal | Professional | Pastoral Link: